Bolsonaro Seeks Direction after Ineligibility and Faces Setbacks

Ex-president failed as leader of the opposition to Lula, but has political capital to be exploited in elections

São Paulo

Jair Bolsonaro (PL) completes his first month as ineligible this Sunday (30) wrapped in a series of contradictions. They cast doubt on his future, but also show that the former president maintains political capital even after the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) decision.

SÃO PAULO, SP, 25.07.2023 - Jair Bolsonaro (Foto: Danilo Verpa/Folhapress, COTIDIANO) - Folhapress

On June 30, the court declared him barred from running in any election for eight years, recognizing abuse of political power and misuse of the media in last year's election. The origin: the meeting with ambassadors in which Bolsonaro promoted lies and attacks on the electoral system.

The first moves after Bolsonaro had his name banned from the polls until at least the 2028 elections indicated difficulty in leading the opposition to President Lula (PT), a position he intended to take over naturally, and sparked warnings regarding the risk of isolation after a government of polemics and radicalism.

Despite this, allies and detractors agree that the former president preserves the support of at least part of his 58.2 million voters in the second round.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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