Bolsonaro's Allies Say Congress Should Bar Salary Increases to Federal Employees and Preserve Money for Congresspersons

Congresspersons do not oppose, however, a wage correction below 5% that does not compromise funds for electoral strongholds

The assessment of leaders allied with President Jair Bolsonaro (no party) is that Congress should act against a wide salary increase for federal employees, especially if the measure requires an even greater reduction in the amount to be allocated to money for congresspersons in 2022.

Bolsonaro said this week that he wants to use the funds to be released by the proposed constitutional amendment (PEC dos Precatorios) that would hold off paying government debts to give a linear increase to all federal employees.

Negotiations in the Senate, however, show that, in order to approve the constitutional amendment the government must change the text and prevent the increase in expenses provided for in the proposal from being used to pay for the readjustment.

In order to guarantee the payment of the R$ 400 of Auxílio Brasil in December (which depends on the constitutional amendment), the government is considering proposing that the changes being discussed in the Senate be placed in another parallel constitutional amendment. Only this second text would go to a vote in the Chamber, while the pillars of the 'PEC dos Precatório' would be promulgated in early December.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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