At least 10 thousand Civil Servants Hold Obsolete Positions in Brazil

Roles such as typist and cowboy remain occupied

Rio de Janeiro

Professions like butcher, cowboy, recreation leader, and craft vendor are not usually associated with the public sector.

However, at least 10 thousand federal Executive branch employees, or 2% of the total permanent staff, hold positions in roles like these, ranging from obsolete areas like videotape editor to others currently performed by outsourced workers, such as cooks.

SEROPÉDICA, RJ, BRASIL, 01-02-2024: Natanael Galvão, 60, hired as a butcher at UFRRJ (Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro). He joined the university to work as a butcher in the kitchen that prepares food for the university restaurant. (Foto: Eduardo Anizelli/ Folhapress, MERCADO) - Folhapress

Experts assert that restructuring State careers is the main solution to avoid obsolescence, with employees having less specific assignments and the capacity to work in different public agencies.

Adopting this model is part of the government's long-term plans, according to José Celso Cardoso Jr., Secretary of People Management at MGI (Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services).

The government plans to reduce the 250 remuneration tables and over 300 career groupings in the sector to a more "rational" number, yet to be determined.

According to the secretary, the ministry is expected to issue an ordinance this month with guidelines to guide this process and seek the adherence of agencies and employees throughout the term.

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