Brazil Registers More than 4,000 Deaths by Covid in 24 Hours for The 2nd Day of The Week

Seven-day moving average of deaths is increasing again and completes 23 days above 2,000 deaths per day

For the second day of the same week and in the pandemic, Brazil recorded more than 4,000 deaths in 24 hours. There were 4,190 deaths this Thursday (8). The death record, set last Tuesday, is 4,211.

In addition to the USA, which has a considerably larger population, Brazil is the only country in the world with more regular records to reach this mark.

Brazil also registered 89,293 cases of the disease. With this, the country has reached 345,287 deaths and 13,286,324 people infected by Covid since the beginning of the pandemic.

The seven-day moving average of deaths reached 2,818 and completed 23 days over 2,000 deaths per day and 78 days over 1,000. The average is a statistical instrument that seeks to smooth out data variations. It is calculated by the sum of deaths from the last seven days, then divided by seven.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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