Green Hydrogen and Corn Ethanol Are Bets for Energy Transition in Brazil

Experts say the moment is an opportunity for the country to boost growth

São Paulo

Green hydrogen, corn ethanol, and SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel). These are some of the renewable fuels and energy sources that, according to experts, can guide the energy transition in Brazil in the coming years and decades.

Sao Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 19-02-2024: The seminar "Clean Energy" (Foto: Lucas Seixas/Folhapress).

The topic was discussed at the seminar "Clean Energy: The Energy Transition in Brazil," organized by Folha. The event took place on Monday (19), commemorating the newspaper's 103rd anniversary.

According to Petrobras' director of energy transition and sustainability, Maurício Tolmasquim, decarbonization of the planet will occur through electricity produced from renewable sources. However, he stated that some sectors, such as petrochemicals, refining, steelmaking, and fertilizers, will need another energy source, hydrogen, as it is more viable.

He said that green hydrogen will be important for the production of fuels such as green ethanol and synthetic fuels—made from the combination of hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

Former senator Kátia Abreu, another panel participant, highlighted the importance of ethanol obtained from corn.

"It is an energy source widely available throughout Brazil. Among its comparative advantages, corn ethanol is available year-round, not just during the rainy season."

Another advantage pointed out in corn ethanol is DDG (Distillers Dried Grains), also obtained in ethanol production. These grains are rich in proteins, vitamins, and amino acids and are used in cattle feed.

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