Pantanal Registers a 974% Increase in Fire Outbreaks in 2024

Number of fires in the region is the second highest in the last 15 years

São Paulo

After an atypically intense fire season last November, the Pantanal is once again on alert.

From January to early June 2024, the number of fire outbreaks in the biome increased by 974% compared to the same period last year.

BELA VISTA, MS, 22-8-2021 - Fire near the urban area of Bela Vista (MS), in the Pantanal (Foto: Corpo de Bombeiros de Mato Grosso do Sul)

The data comes from the BDQueimadas Program of Inpe (National Institute for Space Research).

Updated daily, the platform shows that, as of Tuesday (4), the biome recorded 978 fire outbreaks, while in 2023 the number was 91.

This year's number is the second highest in the last 15 years, second only to 2020, when 2,135 outbreaks were recorded. In that year, about 30% of the biome was consumed by flames.

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