Aircraft Drop Native Seeds to Restore River Banks in Rio Grande do Sul

Action aims to reforest riparian areas damaged by historic flood in the Taquari River

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Porto Alegre

An aerial operation launched about 5 million seeds this Wednesday (17), National Forest Protection Day, to restore the vegetation of areas affected by floods in Rio Grande do Sul.

With the support of two army helicopters and one from the Federal Highway Police, teams flew over sections of the Taquari River to replant in slopes and banks.

Santa Clara do Sul, RS - 17/07/2024 - Action by the Army to replant vegetation damaged by floods in the Taquari Valley - carried out by the Army and the Government of Rio Grande do Sul. (Foto: Anselmo Cunha/Folhapress)

The seeds were distributed in small clumps of germinative paper, a biodegradable material used in cultivation, and thrown in handfuls by agents of the Taquari 2 military operation, IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), and SEMA (State Secretariat for the Environment).

The sowing included 24 native species, such as angico, jabuticabeira, maricá, and timbaúva, and three forage plants (oats, turnip, and vetch) to protect the soil. In addition to seed dispersal, the action included the planting of seedlings.

Fundamental for soil stabilization, the riparian vegetation of the region was damaged by the historic floods that hit the state in May.

Damage to the protective forest can worsen landslides and pose a risk to the population living near slopes or traveling on highways adjacent to the river.

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