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26/02/2006 - 15h51

Veja letra da nova canção de Morrissey


da Folha Online

Leia a letra da música "You Have Killed Me", do oitavo álbum solo de Morrissey, que terá lançamento mundial no início de abril. Para ouvir a canção, acesse a página do cantor no MySpace (o Orkut da música).

Pasolini is me
'Accattone' you'll be
I entered nothing and nothing entered me
'Til you came with the key
And you did your best but

As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me

Piazza Cavour, what's my life for?

Visconti is me
Magnani you'll never be
I entered nothing and nothing entered me
'Til you came with the key
And you did your best but

As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes, I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me

Who am I that I come to be here?

As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me

And there is no point saying this again
There is no point saying this again
But I forgive you, I forgive you
Always I do forgive you

Leia mais
  • Novo CD de Morrissey começa a ser vendido na web

  • Leia o que já foi publicado sobre Morrissey




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