Congress Approves US$ 1.1 billion Fund for 2022 Election

Amount is almost triple that allotted in 2020; Economy sees sum as 'very high'


Amid the pandemic, Congress approved the draft Budget Guidelines Law for 2022, which is expected to increase funds allocated to the electoral campaign to R$ 5.7 billion (US$ 1.1 billion). The funds for the 2020 municipal election was R$ 2 billion. The text goes to Jair Bolsonaro for approval or veto.

Divided among the parties, this amount is the main public funding mechanism for candidates.

The rapporteur, congressman Juscelino Filho (DEM-MA), altered the proposal sent by the government in April, creating a minimum level for the fund — which, in the technicians' tally, reaches almost R$ 6 billion (US$ 1.17 billion). The Ministry of Economy wanted to keep the amount around R$1.8 billion (US$ 350 million).

Members of the ministry classified the increase as "very high," but avoided talking about the strategy that will be taken from now on and whether or not Minister Paulo Guedes will defend the veto of this device.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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