Documentary Shows Last Hours of Indigenist Bruno and Journalist Dom in Vale do Javari

The film highlights the role of the indigenist's friends in the quest for justice

São Paulo

The Vale do Javari Indigenous Land, on the border of Brazil with Colombia and Peru, is home to the largest concentration of isolated indigenous people in the world and holds traces of the murders of indigenist Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Phillips, which took place in June of last year.

It is her attempt to fill in the gaps in this story that journalist Sônia Bridi tells in the documentary "Vale dos Isolados: O Assassinato de Bruno e Dom" ( "Valley of the isolated ones: the murder of Bruno and Dom"), which debuts on the Globoplay platform.

Carteira colorida com foto e dados pessoais de Dom sendo escavada
'Valley of the isolated ones: the murder of Bruno and Dom', which debuts on the Globoplay platform - Globoplay/Divulgação

The film is part of a project that brings together 16 news outlets and organizations from ten countries, including Folha.

The documentary shows Bruno's friends, indigenous and non-indigenous, back at the crime scene, in search of the duo's belongings. The findings, in cell phone memories, include some of the last images recorded by the indigenist and the reporter before their deaths.

These files, previously unseen by the general public, were discovered by the Federal Police from the material delivered by the volunteers in the searches.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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