Japaratinga Beach, In Alagoas, Is a Brazilian Paradise

Next to the more famous Maragogi, Japaratinga offers warm waters and a calmer vibe

Japaratinga beach, in the state of Alagoas


Japaratinga, a beach in the state of Alagoas, along with the Northeastern coast, has the same great features of other, more famous, spots, but it gives off a more tranquil vibe, perfect to visitors who want to swim in its warm waters and see marine life.

During the "dry tide," as the locals call it, it's possible to walk for over a third of a mile into the ocean, with water shin-deep, and reach the natural pools surrounded by coral reefs.  

If the visitor wants to go snorkeling, he will delight himself with the local fish species and their variety in shapes and colors. They're even visible from outside the water.

Japaratinga doesn't have the same all-inclusive resort structure as the nearby beaches, but it offers quaint inns with reasonable prices - up to 20% cheaper than the ones found at the new "cool" destination in the Northeastern shoreline, São Miguel dos Milagres beach, also in Alagoas.

The whole Alagoas coast is a succession of beaches full of white sand circled by coconut trees. The water there goes from turquoise blue to emerald green.

Foreign visitors like to compare the Alagoas sea with the Maldives, and it's also common to call Alagoas the Brazilian Caribbean - with the difference that the Alagoas waters are warm all day and all night long.

Translated by NATASHA MADOV

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