Hacker Attack on Brazilian Government Platform Affects Systems of Nine Ministries and Two Agencies

Staff advised to change passwords; number of such incidents faced by the federal administration doubled in 2024

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Brasília and São Paulo

The Lula administration (PT) suffered a hacker attack that affected the systems of nine ministries and two other federal agencies. Around 9 PM, part of the affected tools was restored. However, there is still no forecast for the full restoration of the systems. Around noon on Wednesday (24th), employees of the affected agencies received an email informing them of a "cyber incident." "Teams are working to ensure that data is intact and secure.

BRASILIA, DF, 10-11-2023 - Ministry of Public Management and Innovation and the Ministry of Planning and Budget (Foto: Pedro França/Agência Senado) - Pedro França/Agência Senado

There is still no forecast for the completion of the repair," stated the message to which Folha had access. In the message, the Shared Services Secretariat of the ministry stated that the affected ministries include: Management, Finance, Indigenous Peoples, Planning and Budget, Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Entrepreneurship, Micro and Small Business, Social Security, Racial Equality, Women, the Brazilian Mint, and Coaf (Financial Activities Control Council).

In the late afternoon, employees received new instructions, this time to change their Office and Gov.br passwords, especially those who also work with Siafi. In April, criminals hacked the federal government's financial management system, Siafi, used for executing payments, and attempted to move at least R$ 9 million from the Ministry of Management and Innovation.

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