CEO Earns up to 1,100 Times the Average Team Salary, Says Research in Brazil

Survey points to strong salary disparities among Ibovespa companies

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São Paulo

JBS is the company with the greatest salary disparity among those that make up Ibovespa. The highest salary in the company is 1,100 times higher than the group's average salary, which has 152,500 employees in Brazil alone.

Next are Rede D'Or (625.9 times) and Localiza (559 times). These proportions are much higher than the Ibovespa average, where the ratio between the highest salary and the average paid to the team is 184.5 times.

The data comes from a survey conducted exclusively for Folha by corporate governance consultant Renato Chaves.

The survey considered only the 83 publicly traded companies that are currently part of Ibovespa, the index of the most traded stocks on the Stock Exchange, which brings together the most important companies in the Brazilian capital market.

When questioned, JBS, owner of food brands like Seara and Friboi, did not respond. Rede D'Or, which controls one of the largest networks of hospitals and oncology clinics in the country, declined to comment.

Vehicle rental company Localiza stated that the amount paid to the CEO is related to the granting of shares that are part of the remuneration package, with the aim of forming "a new generation of reference shareholders with a long-term vision."

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