Number of Cases of the Novel Coronavirus in Brazil Rises to 69

New cases were confirmed in SP, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia and DF

Brasília, Porto Alegre and São Paulo

Brazil already has 69 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus. In the afternoon, the Ministry of Health confirmed 52 cases. Later in the day, the Secretary of Health of the State of Bahia confirmed a new case. And at night, the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, in São Paulo, released the confirmation of 16 new cases.

Among the new confirmations by the Ministry of Health, 11 occurred in São Paulo, five in Rio de Janeiro, one in Rio Grande do Sul, and another in the Federal District.

New cases were confirmed in SP, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia and DF (Xinhua/Lucio Tavora)

With the update, at least seven states and the Federal District already have covid-19 records. The largest number occurs in São Paulo, where there are 30 confirmed cases so far.

There are also cases: Rio de Janeiro (13), Bahia (2), Rio Grande do Sul (2), Minas Gerais (1), Espírito Santo (1), Alagoas (1) and the Federal District (2).

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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