US Records First Case of Coronavirus Variant from Brazil

Minnesota Department of Health reported that the case involved a resident of the state who had recently traveled to the country


On Monday (25)The United States registered its first case of infection with a coronavirus variant initially identified in Brazil. According to The Washington Post, the case was reported in the state of Minnesota and reported by local health officials.

The Minnesota Department of Health reported that the case of the variant called P.1. involved a resident of the state who had recently traveled to Brazil. The infection, classified as highly transmissible, was detected by sequencing random blood samples.

The infected patient lives in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and started showing symptoms in early January — the test with a positive result was done on 9 January.

The announcement of the first variant coming from Brazil with registration in the U.S. came just hours after President Joe Biden reversed Donald Trump's relaxation on travel, imposing restrictions on passengers coming from Brazilian territory.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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