Maia and Alcolumbre: Bolsonaro Will Have to Put Up with Us for Two Years

Presidents of the House and Senate criticize government proposals and say they have legitimacy


The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), and Senate President Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP) welcomed Folha for an unedited interview.

They opposed the decree that relaxes gun ownership in Brazil, criticized the president's proposals to change traffic laws, said they were opposed to the government's environmental policy and said that the anti-corruption bill of Justice Minister Sergio Moro is not a priority for them nor Bolsonaro.

Rodrigo Maia and Davi Alcolumbre, during the interview (Foto: ANDRE COELHO/Folhapress)

They also made fun of the videos released by the Education Minister, Abraham Weintraub, in which he appears to be dancing or playing bagpipes.

"If he has a musical, he's going to be the main actor, is not he?" Said Maia, tearing out laughs from Alcolumbre.

They claimed to be unaware of any critical government agenda for overcoming the economic crisis beyond the Social Security reform—which they support with enthusiasm.

Both assess that the Bolsonaro government, even without a solid parliamentary base, will not fall. But it will have trouble approving the platform that it proposes for the country.

"It is one thing for Parliament to guarantee the minimum conditions of governance," says Maia, citing, among other things, the approval of Social Security reform. "From there, what will be the clash?"

Alcolumbre says that despite the differences, Bolsonaro "will have to put up with me for two years as President of the Senate." "I'm going to have to put up with him for two years. He will have to put up with Rodrigo and Rodrigo will have to put up with him. I want us to get along thinking about Brazil. " 

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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