4-Year-Old Girl Survived Five Days Lost in the Forest in Pará

Girl ate sour fruits that she picked from the ground and drank water in streams until she was found

A four-year-old girl survived five days lost in the Amazon rainforest on the border between Pará and Amapá. Ana Vitória Soares kept herself alive by eating sour fruits (buriti and taperebá, also known as characters) collected from the ground and drinking water from the streams.

Amapá and riverine firefighters mobilized a search rescue as soon as Ana Vitória's sister said she couldn't find the girl she was playing with on December 29th.

After the rescue, on day 2, the girl spent three days in a hospital to recover from foot injuries and dehydration.

Ana Vitória lives with her parents and eight siblings in a riverside community in the municipality of Afuá, Pará. The location is remote - access is by a 1-hour trip to Santana, Amapá.

Her survival impressed rescuers by the risk of wildlife attacks, lack of food and water, and psychological distress.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon