New Politicians Fail to Bring Significant Change to Brazil's Congress

Only relevant change in 2019 was led by parliamentarians with multiple mandates in the curriculum


The 2018 elections sent a significant wave of new congress members to Brasilia, but the first year of the current legislature shows that, apart from the noise, little has changed in the House and Senate.

Will is not absent, however. By the 20th, the current federal deputies had submitted 5,386 proposed amendments to the Constitution, bills, or supplementary bills — a 24 percent increase from 2015, the first year of the previous legislature.

Tradition, however, shows that only a few can come into force as a law. In 2019 it was no different.

Brazil's Senate. Foto: Waldemir Barreto/Agência Senado - Waldemir Barreto - 20.nov.19/Agência Senado

Of the 26 proposals of the year that succeeded in overcoming the rite to become law, the majority, 14, was the initiative of the Executive, including 11 interim measures and the PEC (proposal for amendment of the Constitution) of the pension reform.

Of the 12 remaining proposals, only four have as authors, individually or collectively, first-term congressmen.

One deals with the spending ceiling for mayoral and mayoral candidates in this year's municipal election of Deputy Otaci Nascimento (SD-RR).

He proposed limits for each city - in Sao Paulo would be $ 10 million - but the measure was approved differently. The ceiling for 2020 will be that of the 2016 election, corrected for inflation. In Sao Paulo, that will be more than $ 50 million.

Another, by author novice Paula Belmonte (Cidadania-DF), establishes the years 2020 and 2021 as the First Childhood Biennium in Brazil.

The third, authored by six novice deputies and four veterans, amends the Maria da Penha Law to promote the revocation of possession or possession of firearms by aggressors.

The latter also amends the Maria da Penha Law to facilitate the request for divorce or breaking of a stable union by the battered woman.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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