Favela Haiti in São Paulo Achieves Full Employment, and Project Inspires Dreams of Residents

Union of NGOs changed poor community in São Paulo

São Paulo

Bonita walks every morning past the colorful walls at the entrance of Favela Haiti, in Vila Prudente (eastern zone of São Paulo). Made up and wearing the city government uniform, she disagrees with the statement that she goes to work. It’s much more.

SÃO PAULO - SP - 09/05/2024 -The NGO Vozes da Periferia, through a social project in Favela do Haiti, has turned the area into the community of full employment in São Paulo. (FOTO: Felipe Iruatã/Folhapress) - Folhapress

"I take care of a square nearby. When I finish sweeping, people come to talk. It’s not a job, it’s therapy," says Noemia Albuquerque, 56. Bonita is her nickname.

Almost at the same time, Amanda Tenório, 25, arrives at the garden. There are already other women taking care of the vegetable and fruit plantations. What is harvested will be sold in the community.

That garden gave her life purpose, self-esteem, and time to take care of her 3-year-old son.

Both participate in a project, Favela 3D, run by two NGOs, which has broad goals.

"The objective is to break the cycle of poverty. To put children in school, provide decent housing, leisure, and employment," says Cesar Gouveia, the coordinator of the action that made the favela achieve full employment. All 267 families employed in the program generate income.

The idea was implemented in May 2023. It is a pilot that the creators intend to expand to other needy areas of the city. R$ 7.5 million will be invested, with sponsorship from private groups.

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