Museum of Sexual Diversity Reopens in São Paulo

Free Cultural Space Had Been Closed for a Year and a Half

São Paulo

The MDS (Museum of Sexual Diversity) reopened on Wednesday (29) in São Paulo, at the República metro station. The museum, linked to the Secretariat of Culture, Economy, and Creative Industries of the Government of São Paulo, had been closed for a year and a half.

Um dos corredores do museu da Diversidade Sexual
Museum of Sexual Diversity Reopens in São Paulo - Divulgação/MDS

With an investment of R$ 5 million, the institution resumes its activities in an expanded space (from 100 m² to 540 m²) and a new phase of operation, focused on the theme "The Challenge."

According to Amara Moira, coordinator of education, exhibitions, and cultural promotion at MDS, occupying public spaces is an achievement for the LGBTQIA+ community. "It is important to make our existence visible, to make people learn to coexist, to stop fearing us, and even to start admiring us for our artistic work," says she, a trans woman.

For Marília Marton, Secretary of Culture, Economy, and Creative Industry of the State of São Paulo, "the reopening of the museum reaffirms the commitment to promoting a culture of peace and respect for diversities."

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