Gerontology, Still Recent in Brazil, Aims at Healthy Aging

The professional field, which currently lacks regulation, studies the social and psychological aspects of elderly people

Fernanda Ravagnani

The professional gerontologist is one who studies aging not only from the point of view of physical health, as geriatricians do, but from the social and psychological aspects, to propose, implement, and manage programs that assist the elderly in the public and private spheres.

"Graduates work in long-term care institutions for the elderly. There are others in health plans and there are former students who founded companies, to plan all care management and provide caretakers", says professor Mônica Yassuda, one of the founders of the first undergraduate gerontology course in the country, at USP (University of São Paulo).

In addition to USP, UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos) is the only other public institution that offers a degree in gerontology.

With the Brazilian population getting older, gerontology, which deals with both the management of healthy aging and frail aging, is seen as one of the professions of the future.

However, the profession is currently shrouded in regulatory confusion. The activity is not regulated, which ends up scaring off candidates and restricting their field of activity inside SUS (Unified Health System).

Translated by Cassy Dias

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