São Paulo Cities Suspend Classes and See a Spike in Medical Care

Municipalities in the Ribeirão Preto region, one of the hardest hit by fires, cancel school activities

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Marcelo Toledo, Claudia Collucci, and Angelo Davanço

The fires recorded in recent days have led to the suspension of classes and an increase in health care demand in municipalities in the interior of São Paulo.

Although the situation improved this Sunday (25) compared to Saturday, with fewer fire hotspots, the effects of three consecutive days of intense fire will still be felt throughout the week, according to city officials.

Ribeirão Preto - SP 24/08/2024 - CLIMA / QUEIMADAS - A cloud of smoke and ash covers the sky over Ribeirão Preto. (Foto: Guilherme Veiga/UAI Foto/Folhapress) - Guilherme Veiga/UAI Foto

The first effect is the suspension of classes this Monday (26). Ribeirão Preto, Batatais, and Pradópolis are some of the cities that canceled school activities in the municipal network, with a recommendation for private institutions to follow suit.

Ribeirão has seen a surge in health care demand at Urgent Care Units, with a 10% increase above normal demand.

Due to the rise in respiratory-related care, the Ribeirão HC (Hospital das Clínicas), in partnership with the State Health Department, set up a 24-hour telemedicine emergency service to assess patients and refer them to the most appropriate care levels.