Musk's X Repeats It Will Not Comply with Court Orders and Expects to Be Blocked in Brazil

Deadline for Response on Representative in the Country Ends, and Supreme Court Minister May Order Network Shutdown

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The social network X (formerly Twitter), owned by Elon Musk, stated on Thursday night (29) that it will not comply with orders from Minister Alexandre de Moraes of the Supreme Federal Court and said it expects to be blocked in Brazil.

The company's statement was released seven minutes after the deadline set by Moraes (8:07 PM) for it to appoint a legal representative in Brazil.

Elon Musk and X - Getty Images

Now, the expectation is that the minister will order the suspension of X, as indicated in the initial summons.

Moraes also decided to block the accounts of Musk's company Starlink in Brazil as a way to enforce fines imposed on X for failing to comply with a court decision. The decision, kept confidential, argues that the two companies are part of the same economic group.

However, blocking a social network like X is not an instant process and requires a series of bureaucratic and technical actions.

For the platform to effectively cease functioning, Moraes needs to order Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) to take it down. The agency then passes the notification to the operators.