Lula Must Preach Peace in The Country, Says Rui Costa

Bahia Governor criticizes radicalization and calls for adjustment to PT's economic discourse

São Paulo

Rui Costa, the petista governor of Bahia, advocates that the Worker's Party abandon the polarization and preach the pacification of the country, besides adjusting its economic position.

Former President Lula will have a leading role in this process, resuming the conciliating role of when he ruled (2003-2010).

Rui Costa ( Foto: Márcio Lima/Folhapress, MERCADO ) - Márcio Lima

Jaques Wagner's political godson, the governor, has his name fanned for the presidential plaque in 2022.

"I am available," he said after participating in the auction in which a Chinese group competed alone for the concession of the bridge that connects Salvador to Itaparica for 35 years.

Costa is a critic of PT's economic vision concerning the Brazilian reality. He maintains that it is necessary to refine the discourse and seek resources in the market.

"It is evident that we need private capital to bring water and sewage to the population. That does not mean that public interests will be subordinated to private ones.” 

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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