Colorful and Floating, Afuá Is The Venice of Marajó

Built on stilts, the locality hosts no cars or motorcycles

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A variety of colors adds charm to the houses of Afuá, on Marajó Island (Pará). The town, which is at the top of Brazil’s map, was built on stilts to support itself during the flood season.

AFUÁ / PARÁ / BRASIL - 24/01/24 - :00h - Afuá, known as the "Marajoara Venice," is a unique town located on Marajó Island ( Foto: Karime Xavier / Folhapress) . - Karime Xavier/Folhapress

Between March and April, it floats on the waters of the river of the same name, forming several channels that wind through the region. Thus, it earned the nickname Venice of Marajó. There are two ways to get there: by boat or by small aircraft.

Founded by a woman, Micaela Arcangela Ferreira, in 1845, Afuá is simple, organized, and colorful, with its walls, curtains, and flowers in the gardens. There are no cars or motorcycles. Transportation is by bicycle.

An interesting outing is to rent a motorboat and visit the other side of the river to see the "Muralha," a sumaúma tree. These trees are known as the GPS of the forest, as the sound of tapping on their roots spreads out, helping to locate lost people.