Antoine de Saint-Exupéry e o Pequeno Príncipe

O livro foi publicado em 1943

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São Paulo

O francês Antoine de Saint-Exupéry era aviador e foi piloto de um grupo de reconhecimento durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.

ORG XMIT: 241301_1.tif This undated photograph of French writer/aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of the famous "The Little Prince" novella, is part of a collection of three pictures found recently near Angers, western France, by the familly of a brother in arms. These pictures are suspected to be the last images of the aviator in Corsica before his disapearence in flight, in July 1944, said the museum that harbors the collection. AFP PHOTO / COLLECTION RAYMOND DURIEZ - France Presse- AFP
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